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How do you know if you have a bad relationship with money?

Dollar Bills

This is a little bit of one of those 'if you have to ask, then that's your answer' situations.  But let's explore.

Sometimes a bad relationship with money shows up in ways that are easy to recognize.

  • Not being able to stick a budget

  • Consistently spending beyond your needs

  • Never putting money away for savings

  • Telling yourself that you're bad with money or that you'll never be able to figure this out.


Other times, it likes to hide in our thoughts and beliefs.  Things we've picked up from people around us throughout our lives, but especially when we were growing up.  These can look like:

  • I need to make $X before I start saving.'

  • 'Money will go away, so I should save as much as possible and spend as little as I can.'

  • 'I can't be trusted with a credit card.'  

  • 'I'll always be in debt, so I should enjoy spending what I have.'

  • 'If I make too much money, I'll lose my values.'

  • 'I shouldn't spend money on myself.'

  • 'As long as I make the minimum payments, I can spend what I want.'

  • 'No amount of money will ever feel like 'enough'.'

Money anxiety is no joke.  And these money misbeliefs are keeping you from achieving your goals.

I should know.  I used to believe a bunch of these when I was in my 20s.  But working with my mentor allowed me to shift from a negative relationship with money to a peaceful one.

I want that for you too.

But I don't want to be your coach forever.

My goal is to empower you to clear your financial clutter so you can move forward with clarity, peace, and the confidence that you can manage your finances on your own.


 Schedule a complimentary 20-minute consultation to see if financial coaching is right for you.

If so, we meet twice monthly for a 60-minute coaching session, on a month-to-month basis, for $180/month!

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